When working with clients, I often recommend the whole team each get a journal and use it for writing down frustrations rather than complaining. There's a difference between complaining and & getting someone to help you turn lemons into lemonade. If you have a challenging client, don't bad talk about them with everyone else. You would be doing everyone an injustice. Whatever you do unto others, good or bad, will be done unto you. Use the journal. If you have a bad morning before work, take some time in your car to jot it all down before you walk into work. Take some deep breathes and shift focus. Usually there is nothing you can do about it while at work so move on, and focus on the work someone is paying you to do.
But another thing I recommend using it for is to jot down all the things you are grateful for. Have you ever purchased a journal to write down all the things you are grateful for everyday? It is simple and an attitude of gratitude will increase your altitude in all aspects of life. Here is an example of mine...
10 things I am grateful for today:
1. I am grateful for a pretty good night's sleep.
2. Thank you Lord for a family that cares about me and checks on me.
3. I am grateful for a roof over my head and air conditioning and heating.
4. I am grateful I can go to my fridge and pantry and there is always food.
5. Thank you Lord for my spiritual buddies.
6. I am grateful for my assistant Jillian.
7. I am grateful for neighborhood walking buddies.
8. Thank you Lord that I am an entrepreneur and can call my own shots.
9. I am thankful for the community that supports me when I am in need like my bookkeeper, neighbors, healthcare professionals and retailers.
10. I am grateful that you read this and may gain from it.
Please join me in having an attitude of gratitude and listing things you are grateful for every day. It will change your life and the lives around you for the better.
We don't know what to do, But our eyes on YOU! - The ancient Judean King Jehoshaphat 2nd Chronicles 20:12